Thursday, January 21, 2010


The worst Tornado in US History was The Great Ti-State Tornado of 1925. This tornado destroyed everything! Bark was stripped of trees, houses were picked up and swept away, along with cars! The ground was torn up and trees were on the ground! There was 652 deaths and 2000 were injured. At that time the total damage that was done was about 16.5 million which in todays economy would have been about 2 million dollars.

Sunday, January 10, 2010


mammatus clouds: a cellular pattern of pouches hanging underneath the base of a cloud. its nicknamed the breast cloud.

lenticular cloud: these are clouds that form around hills and mountains.

roll cloud: roll clouds form on near advancing cold fronts

noctilucent cloud: Noctilucent clouds can form only under very restricted conditions. Noctilucent clouds are made of tiny crystals of water ice, higher than any other clouds in Earth's atmosphere. Clouds in the Earth's lower atmosphere form when water collects on particles, but other clouds may form directly from water vapor.

my favorite was the lenticular cloud because it looks nice and peaceful around a hill or mountain

Snow Scavenger hunt

Thunder Snow (picture 1)
Thunder snow is really heavy and dry making driving difficult and dangerous.

Rime (picture 1)
Rime iscrunchy, rough snow that looks like popcorn or styrofoam that you notice on trees and on windy mountaintops. Rime forms on the surface of the snow when super cooled water in clouds freezes onto the snow surface.

Firn is that type of snow ontop of glaciers. It has been there for years and uts granular,it has not yet turned to ice.

Watermelon Snow
It is a pink snow that usually is on the top of mountains